Done Well Investing? Visit Sicily For A Deal You Can’t Refuse.

Top Travel Destination For Made Movers of Binary Options

How many visas stamps are in your travel log?

Stamped Your Passport Lately?

A classic vacation spot in the Mediterranean Sea is Sicily.

Sicily is a beautiful place, full of rustic medieval villages, beautiful views, sun drenched beaches, and amazing food which you’ll never forget.

In the late Spring, Summer and early Autumn, Sicily is one of the best places to trade in your office shoes for flip-flops and have an all around Mediterranean experience, and many binary options traders are looking for just that.

It is my suggestion, therefore, that you should visit the island off the toe of Italy at least once in your life and don’t forget to take your camera. So many places are so quaint that you won’t be able to stop taking pictures.

The Top Ten Big Pharma stock assets for binary options trading in 2012

the varied flavors of big pharmaceutical stocks worth trading with binary options in 2012

How's your chemistry?

When trading binary options in 2012, here are some great choices for pharmaceutical binary options to consider. Now, there are two ways to look at pharmaceutical companies with the binary option trade.

The binary options trader can look for companies that performed well above the expected levels in 2011 and may choose to invest in the increase in the prices of these assets. Or, they might look at companies that performed below the expectations in 2011 and invest in the decrease in the price of these assets. Companies like Akorn Inc., Allergan Inc., Elan Corp. and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, for instance, are all ones that have performed above expectations.

Companies like Auxilium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Endo Pharmaceuticals, and Hospira Inc.were under-performers and you might want to look at them for the low performance.

Picking Assets to trade with binary options in 2012? Be sure to do this …

In addition to setting regular hours for binary options trading, it is also a good idea to create the proper environment from which to work. Since many people trade binary options from their home computers, it is particularly important to create a business environment that will not be disturbed by domestic duties such as childcare and

it's a challenge to enjoy not working as a great binary options trading professional

Does your real estate satisfy you?

laundry. Creating the proper environment also helps to focus the mind on the business at hand and avoid distractions, which is a major obstacle people who work at home face on a daily basis.  Best of all, a clean and focused work environment also allows you to separate between home and work more effectively so that you can work at the proper time, them put the work away and enjoy the comfort of your home. Without a clear division, you could find it difficult to enjoy the benefits of working at home.

Top Ten Binary Options Trader Mistakes:

I have written some posts online about tips and advice for binary options traders. But the truth is that

Journey down the tunnel of binary options trading

Profit is like light, at the end of the tunnel

there are many ways to make money by trading binary options, however, the key is to not make a few mistakes that are common for begninners. By just avoiding these mistakes, you will be a much more successful binary options trader:


  1. Avoid trading on gut feeling. If you have a “gut feeling” that a stock or other asset is going to do something, despite the data saying otherwise, then don’t act on it. Gut feelings are not the way to make money in the binary options trading business.
  2. Avoid trading over the weekends and other down-times till you have really learned how to trade very well. It is possible to make steep profits of up to 250% over the weekends, but you really must know what you are doing. So leave this option available to you till you are ready to trade it.
  3. Don’t try to increase your profit by increasing risks: If you can close an option early for a known profit, it is better than holding off till closing time for a bigger profit, but risking the potential for loosing the full amount invested.
  4. Don’t trade based on feeling lucky, because of other, unconnected aspects of your life appear to going your way. These events aren’t connected, but to a beginner that might not seem obvious.
  5. Never hedge your position: If you buy a binary option and it begins to slide NOT in the direction you would want, then just ride it out. Don’t buy a binary option of the opposite to hedge your losses.The reason is that it won’t be the same trade, the market might correct, and also because your gain of 85% will have cost you 115% or more when you hedge. So avoid doing that.
  6. If you are ahead, quit, if you are behind, quit: You should only trade binary options because of your interpretation of the data. A common beginners mistake that often occurs is that the binary options trader will get ahead by a few dozen percentage point, and will get cocky in his trading and make mistakes to wipe out that gain. Alternatively, if you made some losses, and are way behind your starting point, then aggressively trading even more is not your solution.
  7. 1 if by hand, 2 if by seeing: Make the smaller bets with your own hand, such as $10 or so trades. This will help you understand the fundamentals of binary trading better. To trade larger amounts, you should either find another binary trader that can show you how s/he does it, or check out on binary options trading on youtube and see how the pro’s do it.
  8. No Plans Survives first contact with binary trading platform: I have met many binary options traders who have grandiose plans on how they will corner the market and make their millions trading binary options. The problem is that their plans are based on reading, research, and optimism, rather than on actual market behavior. So forget the plan till after you have some experience what it means to trade binary options.
  9. Takes money to make money: We’ve all heard this adage and it holds true even for binary options traders, although an “investment” is not required to make money on binary options, you can actually probably make more in the long run if you start a trading account with like$200 or so and use that to learn how to trade better as a concept. Or you might realize after $200 that binary options aren’t for you and don’t invest further. This is a better situation than depositing thousands of dollars before you know what you are doing.
  10. Have Fun:  The goal of binary options trading is to make money so that you don’t have to work, or to at least supplement your income. These are still true, but to be able to sit there for hours and trade, it is important that it is fun for you. Binary options are fun when you are making money and predicting with accuracy. So learning how to do that not only makes you more money, but you’ll have more fun trading, and that is much more important for the long run.

top ten list of binary options advanced tips

Get you paws on as much as you can

Top Ten Super-Tips for using the Black-Scholes Valuation formula to gain large profits with online binary options trading:


These tips are called “super-tips” as the regular tips we give are designed for novice traders. These tips are designed for more advanced users who are willing to forego some excitement and risk in exchange for dull, boring, and more consistent profits.


  1. Trade only in small amounts till you have a much stronger grasp on that specific commodity, stock or indice.
  2. Utilize “closable” options to hedge the rise so that you can make very quick 20% to 40% gains rather than drawn out 85% gains that carry a risk of 100% loss.
  3. Be technical analytical and review the graphs for patterns and predictability. Only trade in graphs of options you feel comoftable predicting.
  4. Better to not trade for a half hour than loose durring that half hour.
  5. Don’t hedge your risk by trading in opposing option. The profit of 85% comes at a risk of 100%, so hedging like that will result in an across-the-board 15% loss.
  6. Remember: Its important to avoid losses as much as it is to achieve gains.
  7. Don’t let losses or gains effect you overall strategy. Emotion are your enemy in this game.
  8. With currency related binary trade, compare different currencies to narrow down which ones are actually falling and which ones are only relativity falling
  9. Avoid trading binary options at the beginning of market open unless specific events in the news provide a window of predictability.
  10. Learn from your mistakes. Binary Options Trading is an aquired skill. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but do avoid repeating them.


We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips. Please feel free to leave comments or questions. These tips are based on Trading Binary Options on – not sure about any other sites.

Tips for trading binary options online:

binary options trading click tops
Click With Style – binary options trading


Think before you click. Trade Binary Options Smart

Tips for binary options trading:

  1. Trade online, only use binary options trading platforms that have real-time updates and don’t charge a commission.
  2. Use sites that offer binary trading with the possibility of closing your position before it expires and still making a solid return – utilize this capability to hedge your risk and make lost of small, profitable trades.
  3. Do not start making large trades when you are below your starting point with the hopes of re-couping your losses.
  4. Do not trade if your mindset is not that of a small-gains and reserved approach.
  5. If you loose several trades in a row, then stop trading for a few hours. Do not try and regain your losses quickly.
  6. Analyze graphs and only trade on positions you have a clear picture of. Utilize the various forms of options for different market behaviors
  7. Don’t be afraid to take chances, but don’t take the chances with large wagers.
  8. Practice reading graphs, review the trades that end in loss so that you can learn from your mistakes.
  9. Keep up to date on the news, especially for political events that effect the price of oil and the stock markets.
  10. Learn the graphs of the financial data and learn to differentiate between a correction and a trend.
Penguin binary options trader
Trade with knowledge, don’t get left out in the cold.


Don’t be left in the cold. Learn before you trade




Obviously these tips alone are not going to enable you to suddenly become a wealthy binary options trader. But by learning the trends and patterns that keep winning overall, you can be in a better position than starting out cold. Educate yourself about financial betting and general binary options trading and enable yourself to succeed in the volatile marketplace. Don’t be discouraged if you have a few losses, the main thing is to learn how to read the market and apply it when it counts.









binary options trading tips – source

Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:

online binary trading
Trade and click binary options
Click and Trade – Online Binary Options Trading

Top Ten List of The Top Reasons that Trading ONLINE is better than In-Person.


Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:


We have all heard and seen the hype about trading online binary options, but we may have forgotten why it is so appealing. This entertaining list reminds us.


Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:


  1. 3 words: Much Shorter Commute
  2. In-person trading: pants mandatory. Online trading: pants optional
  3. Binary trading from home gives you a bit more free time to tan your pasty white thighs.
  4. You can trade your binary options even while you get called in for jury duty.
  5. Less focus on commute, more focus on lunch
  6. Always fun to answer “where do you live? and “where do you work?” questions with an identical reply.
  7. You can’t watch TV at the office.
  8. Better trading patterns when you sleep late everyday.
  9. How else are you going to become a binary options trader?
  10. Because you only do online binary options trading so that you don’t have to go to work.



We hope you have enjoyed this top ten list. Please visit back regularly to check out the latest news and updates about online binary trading the world around it.




Top Ten “Funny-But-So-True” Investment & Money Quotes

There are lots of opinions when it comes to money and investments. We usually take a shining to the tips and quips provided by those that seem to have more of it and keep gaining more. Below is an entertaining TOP-TEN List of”funny but SO true” investment quotes. Enjoy and feel free to share comments and questions.

Top Ten Funny But True Investment and Money Quotes

  1. Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. ~ J. Paul Getty
  2. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. ~Oscar Wilde
  3. We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. ~Buzzie Bavasi
  4. When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. ~Voltaire
  5. Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
  6. When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart. ~John Wesley
  7. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it. ~Bob Hope
  8. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell. ~John Templeton
  9. Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. ~Woody Allen
  10. Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won’t buy the wag of his tail. ~Henry Wheeler Shaw

If you found yourself laughing at any of these, please share a comment on which one chuckled you.