Why being a binary options trader is better than a 9 to 5 job

Binary options trading is better than having a 9 to 5 job for a whole list of reasons. You can work where you want and you don’t have a boss who yells at you.

clock watchers binary options cartoon illustration

Do you work for the clock or does the clock work for you?

Binary options traders need not go to sleep early or wake up early. They also are not required to shower and shave under the pressure of time in the morning, or drink their coffee as if it’s a race to down that morning cup o’ joe.

Investors who trade binary options can have coffee in the comfort of their own time and turn on their laptops, log into their Google page and then check the stock prices and market indexes for the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and NASDAQ, check the news, read about Apple, Facebook and Sony, and even stay on top of social media trends on twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. And they can do this while other people with a 9 to 5 job are running out the door and in rush hour traffic and likely to get an accident.

Here’s a clip someone made of the classic Dolly Parton song “Nine to Five”, which was also the theme song for the 1980 movie “9 to 5”, starring Jane Fonda, Lilly Tomlin, Dolly Parton and Dabney Coleman.

About 99binaryoptions
I am a binary options trader living in the middle of the pacific ocean, more or less. I feel I need to share my experience in binary options trading or else it is a wasted effort. I am on http://optionsclick.com most of the time.

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